I recently took stock of how tired I am: parenting two boys under 7, running my own business and trying to stay positive when things don't go as planned, having recently turned 41 with back issues that won't quit..."G-d damnit; I'm exhausted!" Queue Madeline Kahn (warning, some explicit references...love me some Mel Brooks).
But, after a night's sleep I found a little tired inspiration, and decided to explore some of the benefits of being tired. After all, as a speaker, your job, tried or not, is to perform. It is not about you, it's about the audience, and they expect you to deliver.
So keep going. Grab a cup of coffee or black tea and WAKE UP:
Are there any creative benefits to a tired brain when you're tired? Smithsonian Magazine science writer and artist Marissa Fessenden thinks so:
What is your body telling your when you start to fade? Pod-caster and author Polly Campbell gives us some insight in Psychology Today:
Don't nap on the job! Or...maybe you should, says Arianna Huffington, co-founder of The Huffington Post, the founder and CEO of Thrive Global. Article from Architectural Digest by Melissa Minton
Visit my site for more information about my coaching and creatives services: www.kreitercreatives.com
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